Building up next generation of leaders in Pakistan
Christians make up 1% of Pakistan. But God is moving to raise more leaders among them! Fadi Sharaiha with the MENA Leadership Center says their team is prayerfully building a network with Pakistani Christians. ‘We’re working with them to provide a good and needed training program that is especially made for the Pakistani Christian leaders. \r\n\r\nWe are in the process of building such a program in cooperation with the different ministries in Pakistan.’ ‘We are looking at some type of mentorship training program rather than just training,’ Sharaiha says. He strives to explain the challenges the Pakistani church is going through with wisdom but also with truth. ‘One of the things that they are facing is [a] leadership crisis,’ he says. He also says there’s a need among the churches for greater biblical theological training. Please pray for discernment and wisdom how to approach those opportunities.

Chinese New Year is a witnessing window for Christians
Chinese across the nation are getting ready for their annual celebration of Chinese New Year. ‘The Chinese Christians, however, use this as a way to reach out to their communities and to their friends and their families,’ says Erik Burklin of China Partner. Since many urban dwellers grew up in the country, homebound routes can last many hours or even days. This confined travel quarters are an open witnessing opportunity; a perspective Burklin says is shared by many Chinese Christians who want to glorify Christ and make him known. \r\n\r\nMany people are coming to faith through these efforts, and Burklin thinks the growth becomes especially apparent at the Chinese church’s two main baptism events. These take place on Christmas and Easter. China Partner is focused on prayer ministry, training, and the provision of books and ministry tools to church leaders. Please continue to pray for the faithfulness of Chinese church leaders, especially those who are suffering.

Global Partnership for Education helps Ukraine’s children’s psychosocial resilience
The war in Ukraine has eroded the mental health and well-being of the population, including approximately 5 million school-age children. Danijel Cuturic, from UNESCO Ukraine, said ensuring that children have access to education during a crisis provides a sense of normalcy and social support through communication with peers and educators. \r\n\r\nHowever, around 2,000 schools remain damaged or destroyed since the Russian invasion. Recognizing the critical need to support children through this difficult time, Ukraine has prioritized mental health within the education sector. The training is one of several interventions that was made possible thanks to a GPE (Global Partnership for Education) Multiplier grant of US$25.5 million. The funding helps the Ministry of Education and Science provide distance learning, psychosocial support, catch-up education, and other activities that are being implemented by UNESCO and UNICEF for children in conflict-affected areas.

Nigeria labels Lakurawa as terrorist organization
Nigeria officially labels the Lakurawa group as a terrorist organization after years of violent attacks in rural communities. ‘This is a great concern for the Nigerian government. They’re already trying to fight off the Boko Haram, Fulani herdsman, [and] ISIS West Africa,’ Greg Musselman with Voice of the Martyrs Canada says. ‘A lot of these terrorist groups feed on the fact that many of these young men don’t have jobs,’ Musselman says.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, religious minorities suffer. ‘You’ve got these competing Islamic groups with their version of Sharia law. They’ll go against each other [and] there’s all this violence breaking out, and the innocent people are often getting caught into it,’ Musselman says. Ask the Lord to protect and strengthen believers in northern Nigeria. 'When you look at what has gone on in Nigeria, you see amazing, brave followers of Christ. But you also see the devastation and pain are real,' Musselman says.

Japan sees record number of student suicides
Japan saw a record number of suicides among school pupils in 2024, health ministry data showed on January 29 2025. The latest data among those in elementary through high school edged up to 527 from 513 cases in 2023, the ministry said.\r\n\r\nThe total number of people of all ages dying by suicide fell 7.2 percent to 20,268, sharply lower from the record high of 34,427 cases in 2003. ‘We regard this very seriously. ‘We will continue to do our utmost to take measures to protect children's lives and to realize a society where no one is pressed into taking their own life,’ said Keiichiro Tachibana, deputy chief cabinet secretary.\r\n\r\nJapan annually sees the number of teen suicides rise at the end of every summer break in late August through early September. The exact reasons for the bulk of student suicides remain unknown. Past analysis has shown teens contending with several pressures, including those related to studies, bullying, relationships, career choices, and health issues.